Change in the HPV vaccination dosage

In Scotland, all young people aged 11-13 are eligible to get the HPV vaccine free of charge.

Previously, two doses of the vaccine were recommended for young people.

Evidence now shows only one dose is needed to give protection, unless further doses are clinically required (for example, if the young person has a weakened immune system).

This means that all young people will now be offered one dose.

The evidence is now very strong that one dose provides similar protection to that provided by two doses.

Young people who have already received one dose are now fully vaccinated.

They do not require any further doses of the HPV vaccine.

Background to dosage change

On 5 August 2022, The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI),an independent expert panel which provides impartial advice on matters relating to vaccination – published their review of the scientific evidence about the doses of the HPV vaccine.

They agreed that there was now sufficient evidence to advise a change in the schedule from two doses to one dose of HPV vaccine for the:

  • routine adolescent programme
  • men who have sex with men (MSM) programme (for those who are under 25 years of age)

This applies unless further doses are clinically required (e.g. if the young person has a weakened immune system).

A two-dose schedule is still recommended in the MSM programme for men aged from 25 years up to and including 45 years of age.

A three-dose schedule is still recommended in the MSM programme for individuals who are:

  • immunosuppressed
  • known to be HIV-positive

Find out more about the JCVI statement on a one-dose schedule for the routine HPV immunisation programme (external website).


Last updated: 04 January 2023