
I am looking for data on the number of drug-related hospital stays for women in NHS Fife.  

Unfortunately, PHS’s data explorer doesn’t’ provide the information. You can breakdown by board but not by gender. The data is also not provided in the main publication.  

Can you assist here? I’m looking for the following data from 1996/97 to 2020/21 in NHS Fife:

- Rate of hospital stays involving women per 100,000 – any drug type/any hospital type/all age groups

- The number of hospital stays involving women (overdose and mental and behavioural diagnosis) – any drug type/hospital type/all age groups

Further, could you also provide the exact data as above but broken down by drugs implicated

- Opioids

- Cannabinoids

- Sedatives/hypnotics

- Cocaine

- Other Stimulants

- Multiple/other

- Hallucinogens


If you were able to provide the data both in a spreadsheet but also time-trend graphs (as per data explorer) that would be appreciated.

Last updated: 26 May 2023