
Asbestos in NHS Scotland premises

I would like to know how many of the premises owned or used by the Health Board contain asbestos which has not yet been removed, and which they are. The information is needed to help assess how far there is still to go to achieve complete removal of asbestos from public buildings.

Q1. Please say (a) how many premises the Board owns or uses in total, (b) how many it is the asbestos Duty Holder for, (c) how many have been surveyed for asbestos, (d) the total where asbestos has been found and not yet been removed, (e) how many have an asbestos management plan, (f) the number of plans written or reviewed since 01/01/2019, and (g) how many with asbestos have public access? I have included a template table below, although I understand that you are not required to use it.

Q2. Please list premises owned or used that still have asbestos (I have included a second template table below, although I understand that you are not required to use it):

  1. a) premises name (and address/location if this will help it to be identified);
  2. b) what the premises is mainly used for (if not obvious from its name) e.g. hospital, clinic, administrative building, residential premises for staff;
  3. c) when an asbestos survey was last carried out for that premises;
  4. d) when an asbestos management plan was last carried out or reviewed for that premises;
  5. e) whether the premises is open to public access.
  6. In the case of premises owned or used by the Board for which it is not the Duty Holder, please can you indicate the principal reason for that (e.g. owned by or let to another body).
  7. If the Board is unable to provide any of this information, please say why.

Q1: Health Board name 

(a) total number of premises owned or used by the Board (b) total for which the Board is overall Duty Holder (c) total surveyed for asbestos (d) total where asbestos found and not yet removed (e) total with an asbestos management plan (f) number of plans written or reviewed since 01/01/2019 (g) total where asbestos found that have public access

 Q2: Health Board name 

(a) name or title of premises with asbestos (need not include full address unless required to help identify the premises) (b) main use (if not obvious from premises name or title) (c) latest asbestos survey date (d) latest management plan or review date (e) open to public access?

Last updated: 26 May 2023