- Date of request
- 05 September 2022
- Date of response
- 03 October 2022
- FOI request ID
- 2022-001359
- Finance
I write to ask for information under the FOI Act on the number and type of circumstances in Scottish Health Boards where full pay has been extended because “the employer has deemed it reasonable” over the past 3 years. (See second bullet point below) and the length of extensions granted.
Agenda for Change https://www.msg.scot.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/AfC-Handbook-Master-Scottish-Nov-2021.pdf says in 14.12
14.12 Employers will also have discretion to extend the period of sick pay on full or half pay beyond the scale set out in paragraph 14.2 in this Section:
where there is the expectation of return to work in the short term and an extension would materially support a return and/or assist recovery, particular consideration should be given to those staff without full sick pay entitlements;
In any other circumstance that the employer deems reasonable.