
“1. Does your organisation use Palantir software for any purpose or policy? [AND]

  1. If so please state the name of the software, the date on which use commenced, and the purposes and policies for which it is used. [AND]
  1. Do you upload patient data to to Palantir e.g. Foundry? Please state the name of this data, the policy under which it is uploaded, and whether it is “de-identified”, “pseudonymised” or anonymised. [AND]
  1. Have you conducted data protection impact assessments on your use of Palantir? Please provide a copy of these impact assessments if so. [AND]

If you use Palantir software:

  1. Please provide copies of correspondence between relevant employees of your organisation and employees of Palantir related to the implementation and usage of - and troubleshooting issues with - Palantir software. [AND]
  1. Please provide copies of internal correspondence related to the implementation and usage of - and troubleshooting issues with - Palantir software.”
Last updated: 12 June 2023