
“Please could I make a freedom of information request to Public Health Scotland for the following statistics?

  1. As of today’s date, how many NHS hospitals provide a psychodermatology service on-site? Please name them.
  2. As of today’s date, how many patients with eczema have accessed psychodermatology services in the last 12 months?
  3. As of today’s date, how many patients with eczema are on the waiting list to access psychodermatology services?
  4. As of today’s date, how long, on average, are patients with eczema on the waiting list to access psychodermatology services?
  5. As of today’s date, what % of patients with eczema currently accessing psychodermatology services have to travel outside of the regional NHS health board in which they live to access them?
  6. As of today’s date, how far, on average, are patients with eczema having to travel, in miles, from their home address to access the psychodermatology service that they have been referred to?
  7. As of today’s date, which skin conditions (top 5) were the most commonly referred to psychodermatology services in the last 12 months? Please rank them 1-5.”


Last updated: 04 August 2023