PHS FOI 2023-001652
- Date of request
- 04 August 2023
- Date of response
- 18 August 2023
- FOI request ID
- PHS FOI 2023-001652
- Delayed discharges
- Can you tell me please how many patients/bed blockers cannot leave NHS hospitals each day because of delays related to the provision of discharge prescriptions?
- Can you tell me please how many patients/bed blockers cannot leave hospitals each day because of delays related to delays over provision of discharge papers?
- Can you tell me please how many patients/bed blockers cannot leave hospitals each day because of delays related to transport/ambulance provision?
- Can you tell me please how many patients/bed blockers cannot leave hospitals each day because of delays in setting up care packages/or care home placements/ rehabilitation facilities?
- Can you tell me please how many hospital beds in Scotland on average per day are occupied by people ready to be discharged but are unable to do so because of all or some of the above reasons?