
“Can I please request, in the form of a spreadsheet such as Excel or CSV file, information on overheating and flooding incidents caused by severe weather in hospitals and/or health boards. Please provide the information for the financial years: 18/19, 19/20, 20/21, 21/22, 22/23.

I would like the following information:

  1. The number of flooding incidents triggering a risk assessment. This is the number of times severe weather has flooded external roads or where water has breached the exterior of the building e.g. water ingress through roofs or doors.
  2. Overheating incidents where the daily maximum temperature exceeded 26˚C triggering a risk assessment.

Please include:

  • Each occupied ward or clinical area having a daily maximum of over 26˚C as one incident. E.g. If two wards exceeded the daily maximum temperature for two days and one clinical area exceeded the threshold for one day then the number of occasions to be reported is five.


  • Incidents in areas defined as non-clinical space (e.g. medicine cabinets in central storage areas away from wards)”
Last updated: 27 December 2023