
“1.For PHS’s regular health stat releases, how much information beyond what gets published is usually provided to PHS ? Does PHS use databases that contain far more information (e.g. more granular detail, more dimensions) that PHS compile releases from, or do PHS’ sources provide information at the level of detail seen in releases.”

“2. Do health boards/hospitals send information to PHS for A&E statistics, or is this accessed automatically through a database system.”

“3.Can you provide a breakdown of monthly A&E waits by age? If so, please provide, from January 2023 to April 2024, Scotland-wide monthly A&E wait times information broken down by age of patient (i.e. how many patients aged x waited under 4 hours, over 8 hours, over 12 hours, for ages 0-99 and 100+)”

“4. Can you break down standardised hospital mortality ratios by patient characteristics? If so please break down the most recent 2023 hospital standardised mortality ratio release by sex and SIMD quintile of patient.”

“5. Please provide a definition and explanation of standardised mortality ratios, how they are calculated, and how they differ from crude mortality ratios.”

Last updated: 29 May 2024