PHS FOI 2024-001885
- Date of request
- 03 June 2024
- Date of response
- 21 June 2024
- FOI request ID
- PHS FOI 2024-001885
- Waiting times
According to the Public Health Scotland Waiting Times Recording Manual the reasons for patients being removed from a waiting list are recorded under ‘Removal Reason’ and ‘Code’.
For example, when a patient has been removed from an NHS waiting list because they’ve had private treatment/operation the ‘removal reason’ states “Attended/admitted at private sector” and ‘Code’ is 13 (or at least was in Waiting Times Recording Manual Version 5.6 published November 2022).
I would like to request the following information based on the above:
- The number of patients being removed from an NHS waiting list due to attending or being admitted at the private sector.
I would like this information for the last 6 calendar years (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024) so please provide the total number of people per calendar year who were recorded as being removed for that reason.
- If possible, please provide the data I asked for in request 1 broken down by health board.
In other words, provide a breakdown of the last six calendar years but also reflect the total number of patients and which health board they were waiting on care from.
Clarification: If there are any limitations on what you can provide me then still please provide everything you possibly can.
With the further clarification received on 17th June 2024:
I am referring to patients who have chosen to pay for private treatment; not patients that are being treated as NHS patients at a private healthcare clinic