
I'm looking to submit this FOI on behalf of ITV, relating to the Scottish Cervical Screening programme.

This is not in relation to the error around those excluded from the list in 2021.

If any of the questions below are better directed towards individual Health Boards, then please do let me know at your earliest convenience so I can email them.

Below is the information required:

1. How many screeners are working across the two cervical screening Laboratories in Lanarkshire and Greater Glasgow?

2. What is the detection rate screeners are expected to hit for detecting any abnormality in a smear test?

3. Over the past 6 years (August 2018-August 2024), breakdown of whether screeners are meeting their targets?

4. How often are quality assurance visits carried out at the laboratories? Are those results available?

5. What is the protocol for re-checking smear tests, following a patient's diagnosis of cervical cancer that wasn't discovered through routine screening?

6. Over the past 6 years, how many audits on cervical cancer patients' historical smears have thrown up misreading's?

7. Are there any litigation cases over the past 6 years related to the misreading of a cervical smear test? If so, how many?

Last updated: 14 October 2024