
Under Freedom of information act 2002, I am requesting the following information:

1. As at 30 September 2024, what is the number of medical consultant posts (all consultants regardless of specialty including NHS and honorary) in your board by WTE for the following (please note that all posts should be counted under ONE category only):
I. posts occupied by a permanent consultant
II. newly-created posts which have not yet been advertised
III. vacant posts according to the ISD definition (“a post which has been cleared for advert after being through the redeployment process (internal or external advert) and remains a vacancy until an individual starts in the post”)
IV. vacant posts which are awaiting approval for recruitment
V. posts which although currently unfilled are not under active recruitment, e.g. where a previous recruitment exercise has been unsuccessful
VI. all posts occupied by a locum consultant (including consultants re-engaged as locums who previously held a permanent post and those locum consultants employed via an agency)
VII. posts that have been recruited to but applicant not yet in post (e.g. deferred start due to pending CCT)
VIII. The number of consultants that are on fixed term contracts
IX. other (please be specific)
2. As of 30 September 2024, how many of the posts listed under iii-viii above have not been occupied by a permanent substantive post holder since 31 March 2024?
As of 30 September 2024, what is the number of SAS (Specialty doctors, Specialists, Associate Specialists or staff grades) doctors in your board by WTE for the following (please note that all posts should be counted under ONE category only):
i. posts occupied by a permanent SAS doctor
ii. newly created posts which have not yet been advertised (including new Specialist posts)
iii. vacant posts according to the definition “a post which has been cleared for advert after being through the redeployment process (internal or external advert) and remains a vacancy until an individual starts in the post”
iv. vacant posts which are awaiting approval for recruitment
v. posts which although currently unfilled are not under active recruitment, e.g. where a previous recruitment exercise has been unsuccessful
vi. all posts occupied by a locum SAS doctor (including those locum specialty doctors employed via an agency)
vii. posts that have been recruited to but applicant not yet in post
viii. The number of SAS doctors on fixed term contracts
ix. other (please be specific)
As of 30 September 2024, how many of the posts listed under iii – viii above have not been occupied by a permanent substantive post holder since 31 March 2024?

Last updated: 20 November 2024