
"1) How many children are waiting for a first assessment for SLT in Scotland as of end of November 2024.

2) How many children were waiting for a first assessment for SLT in Scotland as of end of November 2023. 

3) How many children are currently on Review Waiting Lists for SLT as of the end of November 2024.

4) How many children were currently on Review Waiting Lists for SLT as of the end of November 2023.

5) Please can this question be asked for each Health Trust in Scotland.  Does your trust provide Intensive Therapy consisting of a minimum of 2x 30 min sessions with an SLT/week for children with SSD.

6) Please can this question be asked for each Health Trust in Scotland.  How many children with SSD are currently on the Review Waiting List as of the end of November 2024.

7) Please can this question be asked for each Health Trust in Scotland.  How many children with SSD were on the Review Waiting List as of the end of November 2023.

8) How much does it cost NHS to provide a 30 mins session of SLT.”

Last updated: 07 February 2025