- Published
- 25 June 2020
- Briefing paper
Increasing communication and engagement through social media during a pandemic: a review and recommendations
- Authors
- Source
- Research Evidence in Policing: Pandemics
Drawing on both international and Scottish research, this brief outlines key findings that relate to police social media use and discusses how this research can provide a framework for police social media use during a pandemic. The brief argues that Covid-19 and other crisis situations make police communication and community engagement a crucial component of police work (even more so than at other times). It also argues that social media provides an excellent avenue to help achieve this communication and engagement.
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Cite as
Myles, H. & Ralph, L. 2020, Increasing communication and engagement through social media during a pandemic: a review and recommendations, Research Evidence in Policing: Pandemics, June, (2). Available at: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/publications/634be9a3-ef72-4391-8920-932ef89d304c