
The role of airport pharmacies have grown in recent years to provide a range of services to travelers including OTC and prescription medicines as well as advice on prevention of infectious and other diseases. Prevention, including protective equipment, is especially important during pandemics as seen with the recent COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, offering vaccinations where appropriate. However, this is not universal and there are currently no acknowledged guidelines for pharmacists operating within airports. In addition, research into their role as well as potential ways to improve this is lacking. This is a concern with community pharmacists playing a valuable role during the COVID-19 pandemic. Potential ways forward including greater research into activities to enhance their role and address challenges including issues of brand names and language, as well as encouraging travel pharmacy in future university curricula. In addition, producing guidelines for their activities and monitoring their implementation. This can help build a greater role for their services benefiting airport staff and travelers in the future.


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Cite as

Jairoun, A., Alhemyari, S., Shahwan, M., Zyoud, S., Abu-Gharbieh, E., Jairoun, M., Kurdi, A. & Godman, B. 2023, 'Pharmaceutical health services, medicines and practices available at airport-based pharmacies; implications for the future', Journal of the American Pharmacists Association. https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/85916/

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Last updated: 13 February 2025
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