- Published
- 11 September 2023
- Journal article
Psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with asthma: A co-produced mixed-methods study
- Authors
- Source
- Psychology & Health
Objective: When COVID-19 was declared a pandemic there was concern that people living with asthma were at high-risk of poor outcomes. We aimed to explore the psychological impact of living with asthma in the United Kingdom during the pandemic.
Methods and Measures: Our mixed methods study, co-designed with patient and public involvement colleagues, included an online survey to detect anxiety/depression/post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and health beliefs; and qualitative interviews. We recruited 849 participants for the survey and interviewed 26 between May and June 2020. Audio-recorded interviews were transcribed verbatim, and analysed thematically.
Results: The survey identified that 77% of respondents were experiencing symptoms of anxiety, 77% were experiencing symptoms of depression, and PTSD was of concern for 61%. Two-thirds of respondents felt the pandemic had changed how they managed their asthma (n=568, 66.9%), and over half felt that they had not been given adequate health information about COVID-19 (n=495, 58.3%). Qualitative interviews identified five themes 1) health communication 2) interaction with healthcare 3) COVID-19 related concerns 4) impact on mental health 5) behaviour change.
Conclusion: Psychological distress was prevalent in people with asthma during the early stage of the pandemic. Understanding this may be useful to inform future healthcare/policy planning.
COVID-19; coronavirus; asthma; anxiety; depression; mental health; lockdown; survey; qualitative; mixed methods; patient experience
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Cite as
Jackson, T., McClatchey, K., Chan, A., Morgan, N., Kinley, E. & Pinnock, H. 2023, 'Psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on people with asthma: A co-produced mixed-methods study', Psychology & Health. https://doi.org/10.1080/08870446.2023.2256784