
An intelligent building is much more than a set of walls; it’s a dynamic organism that employs integrated technologies to share data about the building among various systems to enhance efficiency and provide a better experience for its users. There are a number of challenges with intelligent buildings. They must respond to people’s requirements and needs, including their health and well-being; they must be resource-efficient, and they must include the most useful aspects of new technologies. The current COVID-19 outbreak has pushed architects to consider the future of architectural design technologies. Is it possible that the epidemic may influence the design of our buildings, causing them to become smarter or more intelligent? What role did architecture play throughout the epidemic and in the post-pandemic stage, as well? This paper aims to discuss the future of intelligent design technologies in light of the current Coronavirus epidemic and how it might reshape our architecture design. Finally, the impact of COVID-19 on people’s daily routines in the building design will be discussed.


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Cite as

Aalhashem, N., Al-Kaissi, K., Khaled, T., Al-Sharify, T., Al-Sharify, Z., Naser, Z. & Al-Hamd, R. 2023, 'The future of an intelligent and responsive architecture design after the COVID 19 epidemic', AIP Conference Proceedings, 2787(1), article no: 090025. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0148420

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Last updated: 16 January 2025
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