
SARS-CoV-2 was independently introduced to the UK at least 1300 times by June 2020. Given a population with dynamic pairwise connections, we ask if the entire population could be (indirectly) infected by a small group of k initially infected individuals. We formalise this problem as the Temporal Reachability Dominating Set (TaRDiS) problem on temporal graphs. We provide positive and negative parameterized complexity results in four different parameters: the number k of initially infected, the lifetime τ of the graph, the number of locally earliest edges in the graph, and the treewidth of the footprint graph G↓. We additionally introduce and study the MaxMinTaRDiS problem, which can be naturally expressed as scheduling connections between individuals so that a population needs to be infected by at least k individuals to become fully infected. Interestingly, we find a restriction of this problem to correspond exactly to the well-studied Distance-3 Independent Set problem on static graphs.


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Cite as

Kutner, D. & Larios-Jones, L. 2023, 'Temporal Reachability Dominating Sets: Contagion in Temporal Graphs', Algorithmics of Wireless Networks, pp. 101-116. https://eprints.gla.ac.uk/308905/

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Last updated: 10 January 2024
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