
This study provides a detailed review of available evidence on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the policy responses to it, on the education of children under five in Scotland. It details how these impacts have been unevenly distributed and experienced differently by children under five who face disadvantages based on socioeconomic exclusion, disability, race/ethnicity, and other intersecting inequalities. The report is based on a comprehensive, systematic desk-based review to provide an in depth analysis of the most recent and relevant national and international, qualitative and quantitative research reporting on these issues.


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Cite as

Kustatscher, M., Hancock, J., McCluskey, G., Taylor, A. & Tisdall, E. 2023, The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Delivery of Education to Children Under Five, University of Edinburgh. Available at: https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/en/publications/974e4bdd-1622-4533-8095-9d33ac292545

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Last updated: 09 January 2025
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