
Most of us have a story about where we were when the first 2020 lockdown was announced in our countries. We probably also have tales of what we did during that period and how we managed to work, parent, care, socialise and live through it. Yet, as I write in late 2023, it all feels part of another time, far away. The Covid-19 pandemic demonstrated, with utmost clarity, that change can happen in an instant. As a society, though, we don’t seem to have learned much from it or allowed our collective lives to transform with the possibilities and opportunities that opened before us. We have already forgotten.


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Gonzalez, L. 2024, 'Performance in a Pandemic: Book Review', The Polyphony. https://pure.rcs.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/performance-in-a-pandemic-book-review(95357c8a-d17e-48fc-8fa9-01e15d3d3bb7).html

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Last updated: 14 May 2024
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