
In this chapter, an analysis is undertaken of public discourse in relation to the COVID19 pandemic in Germany, with a view to identifying attitudes and approaches that can be seen as indicative of conceptualisations of German national identity. The following salient themes emerged from the analysis: (1) a strong commitment to the federal system of government, with significant and continuous efforts to maintain the effectiveness of the system; (2) a strong commitment to the rule of law in managing the federal system and in relation to public responses to the crisis; (3) a firm reliance on social cohesion and comprehensive state interventions, encapsulated in the word 'solidarity'; (4) a strong commitment to the European Union as the higher-level framework for the implementation of these principles; (5) a rational approach to the crisis and a commitment to minimising the impact of irrational reactions within society. In addition, despite Germany's relative success in managing the crisis, there was a marked absence of strong expressions of national pride in this achievement.


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Cite as

Pilger, P. 2024, 'Conceptualisations of German national identity during the COVID-19 pandemic', The Nation in the Time of the Pandemic: Media and Political Discourse Across Countries During the COVID-19 Crisis. https://uws.pure.elsevier.com/en/publications/af47b0bf-6126-445e-9896-841aee3fe4d8

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Last updated: 17 May 2024
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