
Background: Governments have relied on their citizens to adhere to a variety of transmission reducing behaviours (TRBs) to suppress the Covid-19 pandemic. Understanding the psychological and sociodemographic predictors of adherence to TRBs will be heavily influenced by the particular theories used by researchers. This review aims to identify the theories and theoretical constructs used to understand adherence to TRBs during the pandemic within the UK social and legislative context.
Methods: A systematic review identified studies to understand TRBs of adults in the UK during the pandemic. Identified theoretical constructs were coded to the Theoretical Domains Framework. Data are presented as a narrative summary.
Results: Thirty-five studies (n=211,209) investigated 123 TRBs, applied 13 theoretical frameworks and reported 50 sociodemographic characteristics and 130 psychological constructs. Most studies used social cognition theories to understand TRBs and employed cross-sectional designs. Risk of sampling bias was high. Relationships between constructs and TRBs varied but, in general, beliefs about the disease (e.g., severity, and risk perception)and about TRBs (e.g., behavioural norms) influenced behavioural intentions and self-reported adherence. More studies than not found that older people and females were more adherent.
Conclusions: Behavioural scientists in the UK generated a significant and varied body of work to understand TRBs during the pandemic. However, more use of theories that do not rely on deliberative processes to effect behaviour change and study designs better able to support causal inferences should be used in future to inform public health policy and practice.


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Cite as

Hubbard, G., Daas, C., Johnston, M., Dunsmore, J., Maier, M., Polson, R. & Dixon, D. 2022, 'Behavioural sciences contribution to suppressing transmission of Covid-19 in the United Kingdom: A systematic literature review [pre-print]', PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/86ybg

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Last updated: 23 May 2024
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