
The primary research question in this second report focuses upon the organisational capacity and capability for youth sport pre, during and post covid The rational for the focus emanated from the scoping review of literature that identified a gap in what we know about how sports organizations responded and coped with the pandemic. In the wake of the COVID 19 sports organizations have had to reflect upon their adaptability, operations, people and sustainability. The report is structured around seven themes (i) a brief synopsis of impact of Covid 19 on youth sport in Canada and Scotland; (ii) a briefing note on the findings from national responses to the pandemic with a particular emphasis on Canada and Scotland; (iii) a critical reflection upon organizations and their state of readiness for the pandemic; (iv) a note on the methods used in this qualitative analysis of sports organisations; (v) the thematic findings form semi-structured interviews from Canadian and Scottish sports organisations; (vi) Key observations and recommendations from the two reports and (vii) a concluding remarks.


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Cite as

Jarvie, G., Darnell, S., Walker, R., Aubin, K. & Qiao, J. 2024, Organizational Responses to The Covid-19 Pandemic on Youth Sport in Canada and Scotland, Organizational Responses to The Covid-19 Pandemic on Youth Sport in Canada and Scotland. Available at: https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/en/publications/c34e85e1-6c77-486a-b20d-1eabcf65a40b

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Last updated: 24 May 2024
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