
In December 2019, a novel coronavirus called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) has been implicated as the virus that causes the coronavirus diseases (COVID-19). On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization declared the outbreak a pandemic after it has progressively spread to many countries around the world. Current evidence has shown that COVID-19 is transmitted through respiratory droplet spread or droplet nuclei that have settled on surfaces or via close contact. During the incubation period (2–14 days), infected persons are asymptomatic but have the ability to transmit the virus to other people. These characteristics of COVID-19 are a potential threat to a widespread infection at the community level. COVID-19 pandemic has caused virtually all aspect of the human life to experience unprecedented transformation with major threat to global health security as well as the global economy. In addition, healthcare professionals including pharmacists are at significant risk of contracting COVID-19. This letter emphasizes the proposed model for community and hospital pharmacy services amid this pandemic in Nigeria, and this can be adapted to other resource-limited settings.


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Cite as

David, K. & Adebisi, Y. 2020, 'Proposed model for hospital and community pharmacy services during COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria', International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 28(5), pp. 544-545. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijpp.12652

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Last updated: 26 June 2024
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