
This Report updates the findings of the earlier study The Delivery of Education and Certification, Impact of COVID-19 on Children and Young People, led by Professor McCluskey in 2022. It aims to assist the Inquiry with its detailed investigations of The Delivery of Education and  Certification, impact on children and young people. We have undertaken a comprehensive desk-based analysis of relevant national and international literature and research evidence reporting on issues relating to education and certification in the context of the pandemic. The findings of our investigation are the outcome of a robust assessment of a) the impact of COVID-19 on the delivery of education and certification for all learners at all stages of education in Scotland, and b) the impact of COVID-19 on identified groups of children and young people known to face particular disadvantage within education.

Cite as

McCluskey, G., Fyfe, I., Robertson, Z., Murray, R. & Taylor, A. 2023, Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry The Delivery of Education and Certification, Impact on Children and Young People: Updated Overview, Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry The Delivery of Education and Certification, Impact on Children and Young People: Updated Overview. Available at: https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/en/publications/ab106071-e8ea-440f-9534-a22d21b07eb3

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Last updated: 19 July 2024
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