
The Edinburgh Climate Commission is an independent body working to accelerate action on climate change in Edinburgh. The Commission established just as Covid-19 took hold and has produced this, its first report, for all who have a role in how Edinburgh recovers from the
Our recommendations for a green recovery respond to the compound crisis of Covid-19 and climate change. Covid has challenged our city and shown what is possible when we all align behind the science for a collective, urgent response. As the focus shifts to recovery, we must
seize this moment to deliver a better future for Edinburgh. A green  recovery is one that delivers for the long term; that catalyses job creation into growth industries, empowers citizens, improves public health and drives innovation while all the time removing our contribution to the climate crisis.
The report highlights the conditions for a successful green recovery; governments must enable change, we must accelerate existing programmes, new and more effective partnerships must deliver, and we must work with the people of Edinburgh to build a resilient city that meets their needs.
These conditions provide the enabling context for our ten recommendations for a green economic recovery in Edinburgh, creating jobs, reducing emissions, and building a better, fairer city:
• A Joint Commitment to Green Economic Recovery from Local and National Government
• Public stimulus investment decisions should be conditional on a greener
• Redesign and invest in carbon neutral transport infrastructure
• A citywide approach to energy efficiency and renewable heat
• Localise services, support and infrastructure to build community resilience
• Focus on wellbeing in natural and built environment investments
• Embrace new business practices to reimagine building assets and
opportunities for the city
• Grow skills and knowledge to deliver a city green recovery and lead a global transition
• Develop low carbon sectors and business models to make the city globally competitive
• Become a global leader in sustainable investment
Delivering these recommendations for a better future requires collective action across city stakeholders; local and national government must lead, communities must be enabled to respond, businesses supported to change working practices and people encouraged to change behaviours. Everyone in the city has a part to play in addressing the climate

Cite as

Brogan, J. 2020, Forward, Faster, Together: Recommendations for a Green Economic Recovery in Edinburgh, Edinburgh Climate Commission. Available at: https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/en/publications/1524af3f-a1a3-4131-b4c1-cef4be0e0b79

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Last updated: 28 August 2024
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