
This report explores, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020/21, the escalating scale of food insecurity with a focus on Scotland and on four  demographic groups – the homeless, young carers and young adult carers, (destitute) asylum seekers, and people with disabilities. These groups were chosen because they are at comparatively higher risk of food insecurity even in ‘normal times’. Importantly, the report makes a key distinction between ‘income problems’ and ‘access challenges’ when it comes to understanding the reasons for food insecurity and its increase.
The report is based on an overview of the existing literature on Covid-19 and how it has impacted on food insecurity across the United Kingdom (UK) and on  insights gained through interviews with representatives of organisations providing support to the four groups in the focus. In doing so, it makes a contribution to a
better understanding of food insecurity.


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Cite as

Dempsey, D. & Pautz, H. 2021, Food Insecurity in Times of Covid-19 – an Insight Into a Deepening Crisis, UWS-Oxfam Partnership: Collaborative Research Reports Series, vol. 8. Available at: https://research-portal.uws.ac.uk/en/publications/138fc852-7a4f-4097-9f1c-9e04faccfa7e

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Last updated: 20 December 2024
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