
COVID-19 safety measures prevented medical science students from undertaking a range of standard physiological labs. Students requested that other ways be found to provide them more practical skills/analytical experience, even when working remotely. Given the press regarding handwashing and its effectiveness against COVID-19, we developed a soapmaking practical, streamed live from the lecturer’s kitchen that allowed us to address student needs, developing a compressed version they could undertake during their limited classroom laboratory time if they were on campus. We used this practical as a platform for numeracy, analytical skills, health and safety, COVID-related physiology, toxicology and careers discussion.


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Cite as

Scott, D. & Davidson, A. 2021, 'Soapmaking 101 - Exploiting COVID-19 to teach practical science and analytical skills remotely', University of Aberdeen Annual Academic Development Symposium 2021, 29 April. https://aura.abdn.ac.uk/handle/2164/16331

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Last updated: 17 June 2022
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