
Background: It has been suggested that Covid-19 and the associated restrictions are likely to have a negative impact on the provision of positive behavioural support (PBS) to people with an intellectual disability.
Methods: Fifty-eight staff, who had recently completed an accredited PBS programme, responded to an online questionnaire which asked them to rate the impact of Covid-19 on factors related to PBS. Results: Participants reported a neutral or somewhat positive impact on all the areas measured, with the exception of the activities and quality of life of those they supported, which were somewhat negatively affected. The participants rated the learning from their PBS programme as helping them cope with Covid-19 to some extent. Examples of positive and negative effects and ways in which PBS helped staff to cope are presented.
Conclusions: Many staff developed creative solutions that allowed them to provide PBS despite the Covid-19 restrictions. PBS learning appeared to help staff cope with the negative impact of the restrictions.


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Cite as

Murray, G., McKenzie, K., Martin, R. & Murray, A. 2021, 'The impact of Covid-19 restrictions in the United Kingdom on the positive behavioural support of people with an intellectual disability', British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 49(2), pp. 138-144. https://doi.org/10.1111/bld.12379

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Last updated: 06 October 2022
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