
Executive Summary - Key Findings
● Reductions in adherence to NPIs (including case and household isolation) will have more impact than any marginal benefits generated from a staggered return of students to university.
●The emergence of more transmissible new variants results in impaired effectiveness of mass asymptomatic testing.
●We observe evidence of spillover transmission between higher education and the wider


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Cite as

Bolton, K., Brooks-Pollock, E., Budd, C., Dyson, L., Enright, J., Fairbanks, E., Gog, J., Hilton, J., Hill, E., Hoyle, R., Keeling, M., Nixon, E., Schewe, L., Stage, H., Tang, M. & Tildesley, M. 2021, COVID-19 and Universities: Report from the Higher Education working group at the Isaac Newton Institute: Version for SAGE: 13th January 2021, Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies, 13 January. Available at: https://www.research.ed.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/covid19-and-universitiesreport-from-the-higher-education-working-group-at-the-isaac-newton-institute(51667232-8614-42a4-9e7a-439da94bb2d6).html

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Last updated: 09 January 2025
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