
When the SEGH international board released a short editorial paper back in 2019, we described an aim to increase the membership offering, whilst improving the diversity of input regionally, by scientific discipline and to ensure greater and more regular contact across the regions from 2020 onwards. Wider aspirations described in 2019 (Watts et al. 2019) are discussed within this short communication at the end of 2021 to evaluate progress made. In particular, how the SEGH community adapted to the unprecedented circumstances that have challenged each and every one of us throughout the COVID-19 pandemic since early 2020 and are likely to influence our activities for the foreseeable future.


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Cite as

Watts, M., Argyraki, A., Barbieri, M., Brown, A., Button, M., Finkelman, R., Gibson, G., Humphrey, O., Huo, X., Hursthouse, A., Kaninga, B., Marinho Reis, P., Middleton, D., Morton-Bermea, O., Nazarpour, A., Olatunji, A., Osano, O., Potgieter-Vermaak, S., Prater, C., Torrance, K., Wong, M., Zhang, C. & Zia, M. 2022, 'Editorial : the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health (SEGH): 50 years and beyond', Environmental Geochemistry and Health. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10653-021-01192-7

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Last updated: 27 January 2025
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