
Background and Aims: My Diabetes My Way (MDMW) is NHS Scotland’s interactive website, structured eLearning service and mobile app supporting education and diabetes self- management. covid-19 specific advice was added in March 2020. We analysed use throughout 2020, relating user activity to stages of the pandemic.
Methods: Data were collected using registration and audit logs observing user activity across all website content and features accessed.
Results: Monthly page accesses for the public website in-creased to an average of 91,442 from 73,583 in 2019. Significant activity increases were observed in March n = 101,326 when lockdown commenced. Peak months include July (n = 108,811) when restrictions were relaxing, and September (n = 118,698) and October (n = 109,064) when virus rates increased again. The top five pages accessed in 2020 were; Coronavirus: advice for people living with diabetes (n = 66,807), Blood glucose monitoring (n = 22,620), Sick day guidance for type 2 diabetes (n = 13,938), Alcohol (n = 13,168) and Charcot foot (n = 12,940).eLearning: In 2020, 775 individuals (65% of registrants) completed a Massive Open Online Course in diabetes self-management education. 257 individuals completed one of 8 QISMET- accredited structured eLearning courses. eLearning course usage increased in relation to patient awareness activity. Social Media: There are currently 3,096 Facebook and 1,858 Twitter followers. Records Access: 55,605 patients had registered to access their data and 29,752 had actively accessed their records by end 2020. Patient feedback remains highly positive.
Conclusion: My Diabetes My Way is a consistent and reliable resource for people with diabetes and their families to access at any time online, particularly relevant during the pandemic.
Acknowledgement: My Diabetes My Way team


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Cite as

Wilson, L., Wake, D., Allardice, B., MacKenzie, S. & Cunningham, S. 2021, 'My Diabetes My Way (MDMW):Offering diversity through intelligent delivery of diabetes education: Reliability during adversity', Diabetic Medicine, 38 (1), pp. 57-57, article no: P158. https://discovery.dundee.ac.uk/en/publications/f5e96eac-8c80-4c69-96e5-fcee16cdaf5c

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Last updated: 17 January 2025
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