- Published
- 01 June 2021
- Report
Factors associated with attendee adherence to COVID-19 guidance during the 2021 DCMS Events Research Programme Phase 1 (Final report)
- Authors
- Source
- University of Edinburgh
As part of the DCMS Events Research Programme 2021, we surveyed and interviewed attendees of the Sefton Park music event (2nd May 2021) to examine attendee experiences of the events, perceptions of the COVID-19 guidance, and factors most associated with self-reported adherence. This work is intended to complement observational data from Movement Strategies12 on adherence to COVID-19 measures at the same event by providing data on underlying processes.
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Cite as
Templeton, A., Smith, K., Jurstakova, K., Dang Guay, J., Ellis, O., Martinez, N., Mao, G., Uluşahin, Y. & Drury, J. 2021, Factors associated with attendee adherence to COVID-19 guidance during the 2021 DCMS Events Research Programme Phase 1 (Final report), University of Edinburgh. Available at: https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.31298.91841