
Covid-19 has forced countries around the world to make massive adaptations to the normal way of life to reduce the risk of the spread of the virus. This briefing sets out new insights into how people’s travel patterns have adapted over time and why. It draws on national data sources and a major panel survey of over 6000 people conducted in July and December 2020. It calls for a major realignment of investment and policy to ensure that we do not return to the overcrowded, congested, polluting and unhealthy transport system that people had come to accept as inevitable.


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Marsden, G., Anable, J., Docherty, I. & Brown, L. 2021, At a crossroads - Travel adaptations during Covid-19 restrictions and where next?, University of Stirling. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/1893/33234

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Last updated: 03 September 2022
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