
For years, even before the Covid-19 pandemic, Venezuelans have been leaving their country due to rising economic insecurity and political conflict. Now, due to the pandemic, many face new or heightened forms of precarity, in particular as they seek work in countries in which their skills may not match labor market needs, or as they are excluded from opportunities due to their outsider status. Here, Mariya Ivancheva and Jesica Lorena Pla examine how Venezuelan migrants in Argentina worked through the pandemic, eliciting and analyzing their reflections on job security and sense of stability, as well as how their experiences in Venezuela shape their views of Argentina and back home.

Cite as

Ivancheva, M. & Pla, J. 2022, 'Stratified survival, unified voice: Venezuelan migrant workers in Argentina during the pandemic', Items. https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/80065/

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Last updated: 17 March 2023
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