
A saving grace of the COVID-19 pandemic in high-income and upper middle-incomecountries has been the relative sparing of children. As the disease spreads across low-income and middle-income countries(LMICs), long-standing system vulnerabil-ities may tragically manifest, and we worry that children will be increasingly impacted, both directly and indirectly. Drawing on our shared child pneumonia experience glob-ally, we highlight these potential impacts on children in LMICs and propose actions for a collective response.


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Cite as

Ahmed, S., Mvalo, T., Akech, S., Agweyu, A., Baker, K., Bar-Zeev, N., Campbell, H., Checkley, W., Chisti, M., Colbourn, T., Cunningham, S., Duke, T., English, M., Falade, A., Fancourt, N., Ginsburg, A., Graham, H., Gray, D., Gupta, M., Hammitt, L., Hesseling, A., Hooli, S., Johnson, A., King, C., Kirby, M., Lanata, C., Lufesi, N., Mackenzie, G., McCracken, J., Moschovis, P., Nair, H., Oviawe, O., Pomat, W., Santosham, M., Seddon, J., Thahane, L., Wahl, B., Van der Zalm, M., Verwey, C., Yoshida, L., Zar, H., Howie, S. & McCollum, E. 2020, 'Protecting children in low-income and middle-income countries from COVID-19'BMJ Global Health, article no: e002844. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002844

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