
Based on its predicted ability to affect transmissibility and pathogenesis, surveillance studies have highlighted the role of a specific mutation (P681R) in the S1/S2 furin cleavage site of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Here we analyzed A.23.1, first identified in Uganda, as a P681R-containing virus several months prior to the emergence of B.1.617.2 (Delta variant). We performed assays using peptides mimicking the S1/S2 from A.23.1 and B.1.617 and observed significantly increased cleavability with furin compared to both an original B lineage (Wuhan-Hu1) and B.1.1.7 (Alpha variant). We also performed cell–cell fusion and functional infectivity assays using pseudotyped particles and observed an increase in activity for A.23.1 compared to an original B lineage spike. However, these changes in activity were not reproduced in the B lineage spike bearing only the P681R substitution. Our findings suggest that while A.23.1 has increased furin-mediated cleavage linked to the P681R substitution, this substitution needs to occur on the background of other spike protein changes to enable its functional consequences.

Cite as

Lubinski, B., Frazier, L., Phan, M., Bugembe, D., Cunningham, J., Tang, T., Daniel, S., Cotten, M., Jaimes, J. & Whittaker, G. 2022, 'Spike protein cleavage-activation in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 P681R mutation: an analysis from its first appearance in lineage A.23.1 identified in Uganda', Microbiology Spectrum, article no: e01514-22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1128/spectrum.01514-22

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Last updated: 01 November 2022
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