
During the main COVID-19 global pandemic lockdown period of 2020 an impromptu set of pollination ecologists came together via social media and personal contacts to carry out standardised surveys of the flower visits and plants in gardens. The surveys involved 67 rural, suburban and urban gardens, of various sizes, ranging from 61.18° North in Norway to 37.96° South in Australia, resulting in a data set of 25,174 rows, with each row being a unique interaction record for that date/site/plant species, and comprising almost 47,000 visits to flowers, as well as records of flowers that were not visited by pollinators, for over 1,000 species and varieties belonging to more than 460 genera and 96 plant families. The more than 650 species of flower visitors belong to 12 orders of invertebrates and four of vertebrates. In this first publication from the project, we present a brief description of the data and make it freely available for any researchers to use in the future, the only restriction being that they cite this paper in the first instance. The data generated from these global surveys will provide scientific evidence to help us understand the role that private gardens (in urban, rural and suburban areas) can play in conserving insect pollinators and identify management actions to enhance their potential.

Cite as

Ollerton, J., Trunschke, J., Havens, K., Landaverde-González, P., Keller, A., Gilprin, A., Rech, A., Baronio, G., Phillips, B., Mackin, C., Stanley, D., Treanore, E., Baker, E., Rotheray, E., Erickson, E., Fornoff, F., Brearley, F., Ballantyne, G., Iossa, G., Stone, G., Bartomeus, I., Stockan, J., Leguizamón, J., Prendergast, K., Rowley, L., Giovanetti, M., de Oliveira Bueno, R., Wesselingh, R., Mallinger, R., Edmondson, S., Howard, S., Leonhardt, S., Rojas Nossa, S., Brett, M., Joaqui, T., Antoniazzi, R., Burton, V., Feng, H., Tian, Z., Xu, Q., Zhang, C., Shi, C., Huang, S., Cole, L., Bendifallah, L., Ellis, E., Joar Hegland, S., Straffon Díaz, S., Allen Lander, T., Mayr, A., Dawson, R., Eeraerts, M., Scott Armbruster, W., Walton, B., Adjlane, N., Falk, S., Mata, L., Goncalves Geiger, A., Carvell, C., Wallace, C., Ratto, F., Barberis, M., Kahane, F., Connop, S., Stip, A., Rosangela Sigrist, M., Vereecken, N., Klein, A., Baldock, K. & Arnold, S. 2022, 'Pollinator-flower interactions in gardens during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown of 2020', Journal of Pollination Ecology, 31(9), pp. 87-96. https://doi.org/10.26786/1920-7603(2022)695

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