
Medical students have lost invaluable exposure to surgery and research during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the majority of placements being cancelled or converted online. As such, they have been denied opportunities and mentorship which have historically influenced a surgical and/or clinical-academic career.


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Shafi, S., Brown, S., Khaw, R., Hirniak, J., Burke, J., Giwa, L., Marson, L., Hill, A., Lobo, D., Glasbey, J., McLean, K., Patel, T., Liu, G., Singal, A., Nam, R., Kathiravelupillai, A., Chia, W., Ooi, S., Mathews, M., Subbiah Ponniah, H., Komor, J., Heyes, A., Tushingham, S., Hettiarachchi, D., K, T., Gaier, S., Jordan, C., Joyce, A., Johnston, E., Valentine, K., Nagassima Rodrigues dos Reis, K., O'Sullivan, M., Tittawella, A., Geary, E., Thorpe, C., Jalal, A., Georgi, M., Mergo, A., Ramsay, E., Sheikh, J., Ashok, A., Lee, K., Al Majid, S., Aafreen Matloob Ahmad, E., Hounat, A., Shafi, S., Wang, J., Cambridge, W., Kawar, L., Maseland, T., Sharma, K., Moses, J., Patsalides, M., Brown, S., Jaffer, A., Feeney, K., Richardson, G., Josiah Joseph, P., Argus, L., Sara, X., Antypas, A., de Andres Crespo, M., Daly, E. & Abraha, S. 2021, 'Medical student engagement with surgery and research during the COVID-19 pandemic: supporting the future workforce for post-pandemic surgical recovery', International Journal of Surgery, 95, article no: 106105. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsu.2021.106105

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Last updated: 25 February 2025
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