
This chapter reports on two studies that explored the adaptations made by community learning and development workers supporting family learning and literacy projects during the COVID-19 pandemic in Scotland. Both studies were small-scale and largely qualitative, with data generated with parents (Study 1) and practitioners (Studies 1 and 2). Findings suggest that despite all the challenges, including dealing with digital inequality, there was a strong sense of continuation in terms of purpose, principles, and partnership. Both studies identified a desire for a blended approach to continue post pandemic, recognizing that while online made access easier for some groups, in-person provision allows for a sharing of experiences and learning together that can be a challenge to replicate online.


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Cite as

MacLeod, G. & Tett, L. 2022, 'Family literacy practices in Scotland and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic', Handbook of Research on Family Literacy Practices and Home-School Connections, pp. 82-100. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-4569-3.ch006

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Last updated: 13 October 2022
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