PHS welcomes the NHS Scotland Pride Badge
First published on 14 June 2021
Public Health Scotland (PHS) welcomes the new Pride Badge launched today (14 June 2021) by NHS Scotland and is encouraging staff to take the pledge.
NHS Scotland has designed a new badge as a visual symbol identifying its wearer as someone who LGBT+ people can feel comfortable talking to. The Pride Badge, originating from the Evelina London Children’s Hospital Rainbow Badge initiative, aims to make a positive difference by promoting a message of inclusion and is worn to signify that those NHS Staff who wear the badge are aware of the issues that LGBT+ people can face when accessing healthcare.
Stonewall Scotland highlight that one in seven LGBT+ people have avoided treatment for fear of discrimination and those from minority ethnic backgrounds face additional inequalities and barriers. Stonewall also reports that LGBT+ people from diverse backgrounds are more likely than white LGBT+ people to face discrimination in healthcare services, with over 60% of minority ethnic LGBT+ people experiencing depression.
Michael Craig, Employee Director for PHS, said:
"As a gay man and LGBT+ activist, I am proud to sign the pledge and will be proud to wear the badge. I would like to think that colleagues and people working for partner organisations would feel comfortable in speaking to me or other badge wearers about issues they face".
Angela Leitch, Chief Executive of PHS, said:
"As an organisation that works hard to promote equity in society, PHS wholeheartedly welcomes and endorses the NHS Scotland Pride Badge. By making our support for LGBT+ and ethnic minority people more visible, we aim to make it easier for people to speak to colleagues and to access support when needed the most".