How we will bring together the evidence

The evaluation of MUP involved a variety of studies researching outcomes using different methods.

The final report brings together all published studies of a suitable quality, including the MESAS and separated funded studies described on these webpages.

It also includes other studies we have found through established databases.

We used a theory-based evidence synthesis design, drawing on elements of realist synthesis and process tracing, enabling us to get the best value for the diversity of the evidence that is available.

You can find out more about how we bought together the appropriate evidence in the Evidence Synthesis Protocol.

Go to the Evidence Synthesis Protocol

Stakeholder engagement

In preparation for the final report, Public Health Scotland Commissioned the Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) to facilitate engagement with stakeholders involved in the various governance groups and experts by experience.

This report is the SCDC report on the first engagement session (in Oct 2022), where participants were asked their views on what has been done in the evaluation and the plans for pulling together the evidence for the final report.

Go to the Stakeholder engagement report

The second session was held in March 2023 and presented draft findings to invitees, and invited reflection on these and potential alternative explanations for the outcomes observed.

Go to the second session engagement event report 

The final report

The final report was published on 27th June 2023.

It brings together all the evidence published on MUP by that date, and draws conclusions about the impact of MUP in Scotland and offers considerations for policy makers going forward.

The main report is accompanied by:

  • a briefing paper
  • a technical appendix
  • a frequently asked questions paper
  • findings at a glance

Go to the MUP final report and accompanying documents 

Last updated: 22 October 2024
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