A mapping review of services receiving investment from the Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Programme Board
- Published
- 28 January 2025 (Latest release)
- Type
- Research
- Author
- Public Health Scotland
- Births and maternity
This report provides an overview of statutory services and third sector organisations that received investment through the PIMH Programme Board, enabling the continuation or expansion of existing services and, in some cases, the implementation of new services. Funding was also allocated to the provision of additional staff training and development resources provided by NHS Education Scotland (NES).
Most of the service mapping data is drawn upon from three key documents which relate to the PIMH investment. The source documents were:
- Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Services Update (Scottish Government, 2022)
- Perinatal and Infant Mental Health Fund Update (Inspiring Scotland, 2023)
- NES Programme of Work 2019-2023
A dynamic map has been created and can be accessed under the Dashboard link.
A list of services that benefited that benefited from the Programme Board investment is also available below.
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Versions of this publication released before 16 March 2020 may be found on the Data and Intelligence, Health Protection Scotland or Improving Health websites.