Acute hospital activity and NHS beds information (quarterly)
Quarter ending 30 September 2024
Accredited official statistics
Questions this data release answers
The purpose of this quarterly publication on acute hospital activity & NHS beds information is to monitor hospital care across Scotland. The following questions support this purpose and can be answered using the data being released.
Questions specific to this data release:
- how has hospital activity changed over time?
- are there particular groups of the population (such as gender groups, age groups, people living in deprived areas) using services more than others?
- are there any variations in service use by geography?
- are there patients being treated outside their home area?
- have there been changes over time in the ways that hospital/acute care is delivered?
- what is acute care?
The following parts of this data release can be used to answer these questions:
- Data summary – an overview of the latest data
- Trend data – see the data over time
- Glossary – definition of terms used in this data release
- Data explorer – explore and visualise more data
- Data files – access the files from this data release
Questions for every data release:
- how can I get access to further data?
- who can I speak to about this data release?
- who is using the data?
- what other content is associated with this?
- are there any issues with the data?
- how can I recreate some of this?
- how can I use the data?
- can I explore the data to answer my questions?
- what is the purpose of the data release and why is it important?
- how long does the data release take to produce?
The following parts of this data release can be used to answer these questions:
- Questions this data release answers
- Official data release information
- How are the data used
- Contact us
- Data quality
- Methods used to produce this data release
- Feedback
- Create the charts yourself