Filtering data
Users can adjust some elements of the dashboard using the filters:
- Hospital Type: Use this filter to select data relating to General acute (SMR01) only, Psychiatric (SMR04) only or Combined (SMR01 and SMR04).
- Condition: Use this filter to select figure for all alcohol-related conditions or to select a specific condition.
- Activity measure: Use this filter to select data relating to stays, patients or new patients.
- Financial Year: Some charts present figures for a single year snapshot, this filter can be used to adjust the year displayed.
Please note that not all activity breakdowns are available for all financial years, conditions or hospital type.
Source data
The hospital activity data included in this dashboard are sourced from routinely collected national datasets.
- SMR01 (Scottish Morbidity Records 01) is the source for general acute inpatient and day case hospital activity for specialties other than mental health, maternity, neonatal and geriatric long-stay.
- SMR04 (Scottish Morbidity Records 04) is the source for psychiatric inpatient and day case hospital activity.
Analysis combining SMR01 and SMR04 activity is presented for mental and behavioural conditions associated with the use of alcohol to enable a better estimate of the total hospital activity.