About this release

This release by Public Health Scotland (PHS) provides a monthly update on the number of operations in NHSScotland that were cancelled the day before or on the day of treatment. This publication contains a revision of data in the publication tables.

There were some missing data for publications released between January 2025 and March 2025 in NHS Ayrshire & Arran between May 2015 and October 2018. There was also an issue where some planned operations in NHS Fife were attributed to the incorrect hospital location. These issues have now been resolved, and the data have been amended in this release. This did not affect figures in previous publication summaries.

Main points

  • During January 2025, there were 23,931 operations planned to take place across NHSScotland. This is similar to the number planned a year previously in January 2024 (23,937). Overall, the number of planned operations has been steadily increasing since the COVID-19 pandemic impacted service provision. In the 12 months from February 2024 to January 2025, there was a 2.4% increase (+6,791) in the number of planned operations compared to the previous 12 months. However, this remains 14.7% lower (-49,119) than those planned to take place in the 12 months from March 2019 to February 2020, just prior to when the pandemic began to severely impact service provision.
  • During the latest month, 9.9% (2,369) of planned operations were cancelled the day before or on the day the patient was due to be treated in NHSScotland. This is similar to the rate reported during January 2024 (10%; 2,403) and higher than in January 2019 (9.5%; 2,767). Across NHS boards, the percentage of cancelled planned operations ranged from 5% to 19.1% in this month.
  • Of all planned operations during January 2025 in NHSScotland, 786 (3.3%) were cancelled by the hospital for clinical reasons, 788 (3.3%) were cancelled by the patient, 600 (2.5%) were cancelled by the hospital due to capacity or non-clinical reasons, and 195 (0.8%) were cancelled for other reasons.
Image caption NHSScotland total planned operations and percentage of cancelled planned operations by reason to January 2025

Please note that fluctuation in the trend in the monthly number of planned operations will be caused partly by variation in the number of working days per month i.e. weekdays excluding public holidays, as theatre capacity tends to be lower at weekends and on public holidays.


These statistics are released monthly. Data for this publication are submitted from NHS board theatre systems. Further information on the reasons for cancellation can be found on the Cancelled Planned Operations section of our website.

Further information

The next release of this publication will be 1 April 2025.

PHS is currently undertaking a review of the statistical publications we produce; all planned care waiting times outputs are being reviewed and this may lead to a change in the content, layout and frequency of future publications. Any substantial changes will be announced ahead of implementation. For more information, please contact us at phs.waitingtimes@phs.scot

General enquiries

If you have an enquiry relating to this publication, please contact Hiba Abdullah at phs.waitingtimes@phs.scot.

Media enquiries

If you have a media enquiry relating to this publication, please contact the Communications and Engagement team.

Requesting other formats and reporting issues

If you require publications or documents in other formats, please email phs.otherformats@phs.scot.

To report any issues with a publication, please email phs.generalpublications@phs.scot.

Older versions of this publication

Versions of this publication released before 16 March 2020 may be found on the Data and Intelligence, Health Protection Scotland or Improving Health websites.

Last updated: 05 March 2025
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