Delayed discharges in NHSScotland monthly
Figures for January 2025
Accredited official statistics
- Publication title
Delayed discharges in NHSScotland
- Description
This publication provides monthly information on the number of hospital bed days associated with delayed discharges and the number of discharges from hospital following a period of delay for a full calendar month. Information is also provided on the number of people experiencing a delay in discharge from hospital at the monthly census point.
Figures are shown for Scotland, NHS board area of treatment and local authority of residence for people aged 18 and over who were clinically ready for discharge.
- Theme
Health and Social Care
- Topic
Delayed discharges
- Format
HTML and Excel
- Data source(s)
Public Health Scotland (PHS) delayed discharge monthly data submission.
- Date that data are acquired
The number of people delayed as at a monthly census snapshot taken on the last Thursday of the month.
The number of bed days occupied by people delayed in their discharge from hospital in the calendar month.
The number of discharges from hospital following a period of delay in the calendar month.
These data were submitted by NHS boards to Public Health Scotland in February 2025.
- Release date
4 March 2025
- Frequency
- Timeframe of data and timeliness
Data are available for publication within six to eight weeks of the census month.
- Continuity of data
NHS boards submit delayed discharge information to PHS for national reporting purposes.
Revised data definitions manual and national data requirements were effective 1 July 2016. For detailed changes to the definitions since 2005, see page 2 of the latest Delayed Discharge Definitions Manual effective 1 July 2016 and a summary of changes and impact on national reporting.
Some NHS boards used the EDISON system to record people delayed in their discharge from hospital. During 2018 EDISON was retired and affected boards migrated to their own local system solutions. This didn’t have any impact on the quality of data as NHS boards continued to report on delayed discharges as specified in the data definitions and national reporting requirements effective 1 July 2016.
- Revisions statement
Figures contained within each publication may also be subject to change in future publications. Further detail can be found on the about our statistics section of the website.
- Revisions relevant to this publication
The National Advisory Group for Delayed Discharge Information (NAGODDI) agreed on 31 January 2025 that Arran War Memorial, Galloway Community Hospital, Stobhill, New Victoria and Stracathro should not be classified as acute locations and should be reclassified as Community GP/non-GP led locations. Therefore the numbers of delays at census point by location type (reported in the Standard Delay Reasons and Code 9 Delay Reasons tables) since July 2016 has been revised (R) in this publication and differs from those previously published. The impact of the change will mean that the number of census delays in acute locations will have reduced by approximately 7%, with a corresponding increase in census delays in Community non-GP led locations. There is no change in the overall number of census delays.
- Concepts and definitions
- Relevance and key uses of the statistics
Key uses of delayed discharge information include monitoring policy obligations both locally and nationally, helping to troubleshoot in partnership areas with specific problems, facilitating benchmarking with other areas, identifying the potential release of resources to focus on more appropriate care and providing useful dialogue between health and social care agencies.
Delayed discharge information is also used to respond to information requests (including Freedom of Information (FOI) requests) from a variety of customers and parliamentary questions.
- Accuracy
The data are considered accurate. Data are validated locally by partnerships. PHS carry out further validation checks in consultation with NHS boards.
- Completeness
100% of the data is used for analysis.
- Comparability
Data are not comparable out with Scotland.
- Accessibility
It is the policy of Public Health Scotland (PHS) to make its web sites and products accessible according to published guidelines.
- Coherence and clarity
All delayed discharge reports are available on this website. Tables and charts are presented within interactive Excel workbooks with drop down boxes.
- Value type and unit of measurement
Number of delays by length and reason at the census point.
Number of bed days occupied by delayed patients in a calendar month.
Number of discharges from hospital following a period of delay in a calendar month.- Disclosure
The PHS protocol on statistical disclosure is followed.
- Official Statistics accreditation
Accredited official statistics
- UK Statistics Authority Assessment
These official statistics were independently reviewed by the Office for Statistics Regulation in September 2011.
- Last published
4 February 2025
- Next published
1 April 2025
- Date of first publication
Historic quarterly data published from December 2000
Monthly data published from June 2015
First annual publication in June 2016- Help email
- Date form completed
17 February 2025