General practice - disease prevalence data visualisation
Revision 3 December 2024
An Experimental Statistics publication for Scotland
- Published
- 27 June 2023 (Latest release)
- Type
- Statistical report
- Author
- Public Health Scotland
3 December 2024 revision - there have been revisions made to the data tables relating to this publication.
About this release
This release by Public Health Scotland (PHS) shows a data visualisation of Disease Prevalence data from April 2018 to April 2023, extracted from General Practices in Scotland through Scottish Primary Care Information Resource (SPIRE).
Data are presented at practice, cluster, Health Social Care Partnership (HSCP), NHS Board, and Scotland level for 20 disease indicators, with numbers of patients, change per year (%), and rates per 100 population.
Revision statement
This publication was first revised on 28/07/2023. The reason for this revision was that we received data for Highland HSCP after the original publication date. The revision was made to add this data in, thus increasing the coverage of our data to a greater number of GP practices. Data for Highland HSCP can now be seen in the dashboard.
This publication was also revised on 01/10/2024 to incorporate the Scotland level estimates into the dashboard and relevant documents. This revision provides stakeholders and the public with a more likely Scotland level disease prevalence in general practice as it is based on actual and substitute data for all practices open in 2023, dating back to 2018.
Find out more
The data visualisation can be viewed here. The data behind this dashboard is also available as an Excel file, which is available to download from the data files section of this page. A link to the methodology and metadata document can be accessed here.
Dashboard functionality
The dashboard allows a user to do three things:
- Chart: This allows prevalence comparisons between a selected practice, other practices within its cluster, the cluster itself, its HSCP, its NHS Board, and Scotland, and between two age groups.
- Map: This allows prevalence comparisons between HSCPs and NHS Boards.
- Data table: Create custom tables looking at specific practices, diseases, age groups, and time periods.
Further information
The next release of this publication is to be confirmed.
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Older versions of this publication
Versions of this publication released before 16 March 2020 may be found on the Data and Intelligence, Health Protection Scotland or Improving Health websites.