About this release

This release by Public Health Scotland (PHS) presents data for medicinal items prescribed by NHS prescribers in Scotland and reimbursed by the NHS, for November 2024. The data is in two formats - Open Data and an interactive dashboard.

For this release, the two Tableau dashboards that previously accompanied this publication have been replaced by a single R Shiny dashboard that combines these views in one place and aims to present the visualisations in a more user-friendly way. For any queries on the dashboard please contact phs.prescribing@phs.scot.

Further information

Open Data files enable independent analysis of NHS Scotland prescribing data. Information is shown by individual drug. There are three different types of data file available:

  1. Data by Prescriber location, which contains data for each GP practice. This file contains one month of data at prescriber location level.
  2. Aggregated Data by Health Board, which is an aggregated form of the Data by Prescriber location file, to make it easier to download and manipulate. This file contains yearly data at prescribing health board level, by month of prescribing.
  3. Data by Dispenser location, which contains data for NHS Scotland dispensers. This file contains one month of data at dispenser location level.

The dashboard contains the possibility to visualise what the highest cost therapeutic areas are in terms of prescriptions in the community and the variation in prescribing within BNF chapters among the 10 biggest practices, per health board. It also shows trends in total items and gross ingredient cost over time, at national and health board level.

Open data from this publication is available from the Scottish Health and Social Care open data portal and an interactive dashboard which displays prescribing trends is also available. 

The next release of this publication will be 11 March 2025.

General enquiries

If you have an enquiry relating to this publication, please contact David Scott at phs.prescribing@phs.scot.

Media enquiries

If you have a media enquiry relating to this publication, please contact the Communications and Engagement team.

Requesting other formats and reporting issues

If you require publications or documents in other formats, please email phs.otherformats@phs.scot.

To report any issues with a publication, please email phs.generalpublications@phs.scot.

Older versions of this publication

Versions of this publication released before 16 March 2020 may be found on the Data and Intelligence, Health Protection Scotland or Improving Health websites.

Last updated: 19 February 2025
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