Actions for high-risk settings

High-risk settings are places where people may take more drugs than average, often at the same time and from shared batches. Places at higher risk include prisons, hostels, supported accommodation, nightlife venues, festivals, care homes and educational settings. 

People living and working in these settings should: 

  • Ensure their setting is prepared and ready to respond to overdose situations. 
  • Encourage people to report overdose signs immediately. In an emergency, stay calm and call 999 straight away.
  • Recognise that levels of consciousness may fluctuate for several hours (sometimes days) while under the influence of benzodiazepines. Even if the person appears alert, this may be temporary. Stay with the person and monitor closely for the signs of an overdose. 
  • Carry and promote naloxone. Ensure the setting has multiple naloxone kits available and trained people are able to respond. Check that kits have not expired and that they are easy to access in the event of an emergency. 
  • Provide regular refresher training on drug-related emergencies, including information on risk factors, identifying an overdose, basic life support and naloxone.
  • If applicable, remind staff to use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and follow procedures when handling substances. 
Last updated: 11 December 2024
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